Why Linux ?

A lot of people have asked me this question ever since I installed my first distro way back in 2015. My reply was always why not ? It is one of the most powerful operating systems ever created ( special credit to Linus Torlvard). Now one can easily google the title and obtain results better that I can ever dream of writing. No Viruses, Less unstability, Free, No more bloatware are common points. However I would like to discuss an agenda as to why it is good for a student.

  1. Command Line Interface
    The most dangeruos tool ever provided inside a computer is the terminal. It provides a window into the heart of the computer. One of the most important skills expected in a computer science graduate is the proficiency to command a terminal. 90 Percent of the worlds servers, phones , TVs etcetra run on linux. If you cant handle the source, well you just dont have the force.
  2. Debugging
    Every computer science student knows the pain of debugging. In fact it is a common fact that if an individual wirtes a program utilizing the full depth of their intelligence, they will not be able to debug it. The only way to gain expertise in debugging is practice. Using Linux is not going to be easy. The more you timker the more you are going to screw around. And when you do that you will have to understand the system from bottom up to try and bring back the system back to normal. I can just envision the counless hours I have spent trying to my system cursing myself for messin around with it. But in the end the feeling is marvellous.
  3. For the heck of it
    It always feels good to do something that nobody does. It is like Robert Frost has put it, ” I took the road less travelled by and that has made all the difference”. It is always great to try something new, to learn something that you had never done before.

I would like to urge all computer science students to atleast give it a try. I am certain once youet used to it you’ll never switch back to anything else. This reminds me of a beautiful quote ” These light afflictions are for a moment, the adversity is temporary, the glory os for eternity”.


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